TomoCon GO 3.0

The software system TomoCon GO (version 3.0) received a certificate that confirms
compliance with the requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 for medical devices.

It is registered in the European database of medical devices (EUDAMED)
and can be utilized for clinical purposes in the countries of the European Union.

Customer satisfaction in 2023

We have evaluated our customer satisfaction survey with our products and services for the year 2023.
According to your answers, you consider our products and customer services to be very good, even excellent.

The winner of the main reward for participating in the survey is MUDr. Ladislav Bisták.
Other winners are: MUDr. Radoslav Lehotský, Ing. Ivana Švecová, Mgr. Martin Vicen, Bc. Petr Karásek, Juraj Eichler
We informed winners and sent them prizes.

Thank you for participating in the survey, your responses and for helping us improving our services and products !

Customer satisfaction in 2022

We have evaluated our customer satisfaction survey with our products and services for the year 2022.
According to your answers, you consider our products and customer services to be very good, even excellent.

We have informed the winners of the draw and sent them prizes.
Due to privacy policies, their names are not published here.

Thank you for participating in the survey, your responses and for helping us improving our services and products !

Customer satisfaction in 2021

We have evaluated the customer satisfaction survey with our products and services for the year 2021.

We received 76 evaluation responses and some new suggestions from clinical users or IT administrators.

According to your answers, you consider our products and customer services to be very good, even excellent.

For grading from 1 (excellent) to 4 (insufficient), the resulting average of grades is as follows:

TomoCon PACS = 1.43
TomoCon Workstation / Viewer = 1.32
TomoCon GO = 1.74
T3C / ReDiMed = 1.32
Services and support = 1.16

We have informed the winners of the draw and sent them prizes.
Due to privacy policies, their names are not published here.

Thank you for participating in the survey and for helping to improve our services and products !

Customer satisfaction in 2020

We have evaluated the customer satisfaction survey with our products and services for the year 2020.

We received a total of 107 evaluation responses and some new suggestions from clinical users or IT administrators.

According to your answers, you consider our products and customer services to be very good, even excellent.

For grading from 1 (excellent) to 4 (insufficient), the resulting average of grades is as follows:

TomoCon PACS = 1.44
TomoCon Workstation / Viewer = 1.50
TomoCon GO = 1.49
T3C / ReDiMed = 1.40
Services and support = 1.30

We have informed the winners of the draw and sent them prizes.
Due to privacy policies, their names are not published here.

Thank you for participating in the survey and for helping to improve our services and products !

150 installations of TomoCon PACS for medical radiology in Slovakia in 2020

Hospital of Dr. Vojtech Alexander in Kežmarok became the 150th user of the digital radiological diagnostic system TomoCon PACS in the Slovak Republic.

In 1896 after meeting with the German physicist W. C. Röntgen, a physician and physicist Dr. Vojtech Alexander from Kežmarok was the first in Hungary and one of the first in the world introduced to new methods of using X-rays and in 1898 he took his first X-ray image.

Now, 120 years since this significant deed, clinical radiology in Kežmarok has reached a new level, corresponding to the digital age, when the patient’s image examination is available for diagnosing or consulting doctors throughout Slovakia within a few seconds. And it can be anonymously compared with artificial intelligence systems with thousands of radiological images with similar diagnoses in a few minutes.

The connection of TomoCon PACS systems and T3C – Teleradiology Communication Center enables to physicians from the hospital in Kežmarok to make remote consultations with experts from other medical facilities, for example from Poprad, Prešov, Košice, Martin, Bratislava or hospitals in the Czech Republic, which is very important especially in the case of severe cases or rare diagnoses.

Such teleradiological services are therefore very valuable for patients with acute cardiovascular disease or mass traffic accidents. It enables the involvement of experts in quick and qualified decisions about the procedure, method and place of treatment, which is not so easy, especially at night, during the holidays or in remote locations.

Customer satisfaction in 2019

We have evaluated the customer satisfaction survey with our products and services for the year 2019.

We received a total of 86 evaluation responses and some new suggestions from clinical users or IT administrators.

According to your answers, you consider our products and customer services to be very good, even excellent.

For grading from 1 (excellent) to 4 (insufficient), the resulting average of grades is as follows:

TomoCon PACS = 1.51
TomoCon Workstation / Viewer = 1.45
TomoCon GO = 1.69
T3C / ReDiMed = 1.41
Services and support = 1.35

The winner of the main prize of the survey is Martin Lukáč.
Other prizes are awarded to:
Ivan Záhumenský
Lukáš Fořt
Pavel Formánek
Pavel Antoniak
Zdeněk Strmiska

We will inform the winners about the next steps and the award ceremony.

Thank you for participating in the survey!

T3C services to diagnosing physicians provided for free

During the emergency situation caused by the COVID-19, TatraMed Software decided to provide free of charge the services of T3C – Teleradiology Communication Center to physicians.

The T3C – Teleradiology Communication Center allows diagnosing physicians to describe images for hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers remotely from their home or, if necessary, to help and consult examinations between multiple medical facilities.

If the diagnosing doctor is interested in using T3C services, just should write an e-mail with the doctor’s personal data (name, permanent residence address, telephone number) and a list of medical facilities for which he needs to perform diagnostics at After verifying the application by telephone, TatraMed Software will create an account in T3C, assist with the installation on a remote workstation or home computer and provide diagnostics of received RDG image examinations in the application TomoCon Lite .

All data transferred using encrypted secure communication and no other configuration is required than Internet connection.

In addition, this offer includes the possibility to use free of charge also TomoCon Lite – certified DICOM browser, which enables diagnostics of patient examination images even in the out-of-hospital local sites.

140 installations of TomoCon PACS in Slovakia in 2019

In September 2019, we reached another milestone – 140 active PACS TomoCon systems in the Slovak Republic.

We appreciate your continued favour to us and we will continue to expand our portfolio of software products and still improve customer service in the future.

Spokojnosť zákazníkov za r. 2018

Vyhodnotili sme anketu o spokojnosti zákazníkov s našimi produktmi a službami za rok 2018.

Celkom sme dostali 88 odpovedí s hodnotením a od niektorých z vás aj nové podnetné návrhy.

Podľa vašich odpovedí považujete naše produkty a služby zákazníkom za veľmi dobré až výborné.

Pri známkovaní od 1 (výborné) do 4 (nedostatočné) je výsledný priemer známok takýto:

TomoCon PACS = 1,46
TomoCon WS/V = 1,46
TomoCon GO = 1,64
T3C / ReDiMed = 1,36
Služby a podpora = 1,40

Výhercom hlavnej ceny je Ing. Jozef Macko z Národného onkologického ústavu v Bratislave.

Ďalšie ceny získavajú :

MUDr. Slavomír Kemka – NsP Žiar nad Hronom,
MUDr. Ingrid Môciková – MR Zdravomak s.r.o. Topoľčany,
MUDr. Michal Jareš – Ústřední vojenská nemocnice, Praha,
Michal Dusa – NsP svätej Barbory, Rožňava.

Výhercov budeme informovať o ďalšom postupe a odovzdaní cien.

Ďakujeme za účasť v ankete !



Líščie údolie 9
841 04 Bratislava
Slovenská republika



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DIČ: 2023706751
IČ DPH: SK2023706751

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