Teleradiology Communication Center - T3C - service providing secure transfer of patient medical image documentation.
Download the current version of T3C
The data is transferred through the Internet using the HTTP protocol. Except for an Internet connection, no further configuration is necessary. The system can be hidden from external access in the client’s local network.
The transfer of data is secured by asymmetric encryption and only their recipient can read it using his or her own private key. All sent data is additionally signed by the private key of the sender, so the transfer of fakes is not possible

Transferred data include DICOM images of different modalities, medical findings, structured reports and any type of attachment can be attached to the sent studies.
The transfer is resistant to failures and connection interruptions; the transfer is automatically completed once the connection has been reestablished. No data is transferred more than once.
System participants include medical facilities (hospitals, polyclinics) as well as specialists (radiologists). The owner of the patient image documentation, not the receiver, manages the transfer process. The participants are registered in the T3C system. They can be public or hidden.
T3C services are fully compatible only with TomoCon products.
The applications are available in Slovak, Czech and English
The patient image documentation represents large volumes of data. This data is compressed for the transfer and the transfer is optimized to get the data to the recipient as quickly as possible.
The images can be received from (or stored in) PACS systems, TomoCon Workstations, any DICOM devices or as files on the disc.

Map of Slovak publicly visible institutions connected through the T3C system
The client has one instance of the T3C Service application installed, which serves for secure communication with the T3C server. This application operates without user intervention. The service can be configured to perform automatic operations (sending and storing).
The client transfers data to the T3C server, from where the receiver automatically downloads them. This way the transfer is ensured even in case one of the parties is not connected. All data sent to the clients is encrypted, so even if the communication is spied on or the server is under attack, the data is not usable.

Overview of study transfer for the past year
The client controls the operation of the system using the T3C Console graphic application. Several instances of this application can be installed. The console communicates with the Service and allows the users to:
- send patient image documentation and attachments to receivers
- save received patient image documentation and attachments
- send messages to receivers or request the patient image documentation to be sent
- view transfer history
- configure automatic service tasks
Traffic on Slovak servers as of May 2016
- total number of registered users: 370
- of which the number of publicly visible institutions: 140
- overall number of transferred studies for the past year: 210,000
- overall compressed volume of transferred studies for the past year: 12.4 TB
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